Zhuhai BIGWHITESHARK is located in the Qingxin Science and Technology Industrial Park, Zhuhai Economic Special Zone, China. We have a 32,000-square-meter production base and a vibrant team of engineering and technical personnel. Our company is a comprehensive large-scale production enterprise that specializes in the production of "BIGWHITESHARK" brand fiber-reinforced resin cutting wheels and bowl-shaped grinding wheels, as well as the processing of their raw materials. Our product range includes cutting wheels, bowl-shaped grinding wheels, phenolic resins, and fiberglass mesh sheets.
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Mankasitraka ny fandraisanao anjara amin'ny vokatra sy ny tolotra Chipsmall izahay. Ny hevitrao dia manan-danja amintsika! Makà fotoana kely mba hamenoana ny taratasy etsy ambany. Ny fanehoan-kevitrao sarobidy dia miantoka fa manolotra tsy tapaka ny asa fanompoana miavaka mendrika anao izahay. Misaotra anao noho ny fandraisanao anjara amin'ny dianay mankany amin'ny fahatsarana.